Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The POSTING SONG!! (veruca)

okay, in my spare time, i decided to write a song. about posting comments.

the posting song- by veruca

once upon a time
there was an awesome blog by
veruca and violet
it was totally awesome
but the sad thing was
no one would post comments
and it made them cry......
oh oh oh....

so veruca asked them pleeease
but they pretended to sneeeze
and never
one single

and then one day
veruca had an idea
she began a song
that would make them seeee(a)
it was about
posting awesome comments
and she hoped
that would

and that's all that i got.
the song doesn't have an ending... that's your job.
if you post comments, i will mention the FIRST PERSON to post a comment will be mentioned IN THE END OF THE POSTING SONG!!
but chances are, you will NEVER post a comment, and i will end the song with something about how mean the world is.
post postpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpost

Monday, December 7, 2009

??? HELLO IS ANYONE HOME ??? (veruca)

I get the feeling sometimes that this blog is a small little part of the internet world. No one is posting comments... AT ALL. (ok, there may be two comment posters by the name of Sarah Beth and Savannah, but even they have not posted to my heart's content.)

But now i have ANOTHER thing i neeeeeed you blog-goers to do for me.
(you're probably thinking that i'm a crazy psychopath blogger who wishes to control you mind and possibly criticize you about not posting comments to death, but i assure you... i'm not. i'm just bored
and i love contests.)

I, being me, want you to
b. POST COMMENTS (duh x 2)
c. Create a Character (one that you made up) and POST A COMMENT about this character of yours. give us stuff like what they look like, their personality, their hobbies, and what color socks they like to wear on rainy thursdays. =)
i will mention the people who REALLY DO POST COMMENTS on the next posting i do.

And i promise you, if you actually DO post comments, i will NOT BUG YOU ABOUT
IT ANY MORE!!!!!!!
you should set up a system.
as soon as you get on the computer to check your emails or whatever, go the
to start you day!
post a quick comment, then go back to whatever it was that you were doing.
do that every day, and i WILL PESTER YOU NO LONGER.

thank you peoples so much!
(i only thank the peoples who post comments thoough)


Thursday, December 3, 2009

POst PLEEEEEEEEEASE...... (veruca)

hey homies.

here's a challenge for you (and you have to do it before december is over):
1. post a comment.. but it has to be a poem about something really cool that you love. like maybe this blog?
2. post a comment with a cool book idea
3. post a comment that is all about the most random thing you can think about!!!!
whoever has the coolest stuff wins!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

FAN OF THE MONTH!! (november)

sorry, guys. i'm a little late, but violet and i have finally figured out the fan of the month!!!!!

CONGRATULATIONS SAVANNAH!! YOU HAVE WON FAN OF THE MONTH FOR NOVEMBER!!!!!!! :-D this kitty will forever on be known as The Savannah Kitty!!!! Yayayayayayayayay!!

now, everyone else must post post post post post to win fan of the month for DECEMBER!!!! go post a comment now!! and then do it the next day. then the day after that. and so on. :-) gogogogogogo post comments!!!!
thank you, and congrats to savannah,

Monday, November 16, 2009

Happy Birthday to.......

Tomorrow is my Birthday!!!!!!!!! I'm SOOOOOO excited! I'm going to be......... 12!! my last year of being a normal person. then..... teenager.

Well, anyway, happy birthday to me!

i'm still waiting.... (veruca)

I'm mad at you.


Thursday, November 5, 2009

What are you doing????? (veruca)

like i said: WHAT ARE YOU DOING????????!!!!!! You're supposed to be posting THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF COMMENTS!! it's already November and i'm going to have to chose who is fan of the month...... what do i do though? I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH COMMENTS!!!! and let this be a warning to all of you.........

if i have your Email address....

i will blackmail you until you post comments.....

dun dun duuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnn..........
*scary music*


Friday, October 23, 2009

Hello, World. I"m not Dead (violet)

Hey everyone! this is violet. sorry for not writing in a while, but i have had a SUPER busy month. i am currently in two plays, piano, dance, and not to mention everyone else's soccer and dance and football. but, i am finally writing now. first of all, congrats to Sarah Beth! cute kitty! here's a super cool fact: the phrase 'break a leg' came from years and years ago when there were wooden 'legs' on the end of the curtains on a stage. if you got enough encores, the leg would break, signaling that the people REALLY liked your show. å˜∂ †˙ˆß ç®åΩ¥ çø∂´ †¥π´ †˙ˆ˜© çøµ´ß ƒ®øµ ∑˙´˜ ¥ø¨ π®´ßß †˙´ æ嬆æ ˚´¥ ø˜ ¥ø¨® ˚´¥∫øå®∂ å˜∂ †¥π´ †˙´ ¬´††´®ß⁄⁄ that meant: and this is what happens when you press the alt key on your keyboard and then type the letters! isn't that cool? me and veruca just figured that out. well, that's all for now, ('now' probably being a very long time). bye!!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

post post post

yo it's veruca!

i was just checking the post and so far i only have 5! you neeeeeed to keep posting people! post post post!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

shoutout!! (veruca)

ok everyone! i would like to send a shoutout to THE ONLY PERSON WHO HAS BEEN POSTING COMMENTS! her name is sarah beth..... so HI! sarah beth, says that she comes to look at our blog every time she gets on the computer! so guess what? SHE IS NOW OFFICIALLY AWARDED AS THE FAN OF THE MONTH!! yay! go sarah beth! and sarah beth, if you are reading this, then you are FAMOUS. well, at least to the people reading this blog you are. but it's better than not being famous at all!!! and here is a picture in your honor:

this is now officially known as the SARAH BETH KITTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this will have to become a tradition....... every month, we will award someone who either violet or i deem worthy for fan of the month! to win this special award, you must show how much you love this blog by either:
a) posting awesome comments
b) posting awesome comments
c) posting awesome comments
d) doing a funny dance and have some proof that you did that violet or i can see!
so what are you doing? get on it! post post post post post post post post post post post!!!!!!
do you think it should be fan of the month or fan of the week? or BOTH?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


ok, i jsut emailed violet to get her to write a post. hopefully she will ASAP! here's a cool pic.....yyayayayaya! they are finally coming out just where i want them! that is one cute doggie!


Saturday, October 3, 2009

it's me again.......

hey. it's me again (veruca) and i DON'T KNOW WHY VIOLET ISN'T BLOGGING!!!!!!!!!!!!! she's gonna have a bone to pick with me if she doesn't (at least) post a "hello world, i'm not dead" Super Odd Fact Of the Moment. Here's a SOFOM --- during World War 1 the russians changed the name of St. Petersburg, their capitol, to Petrograd because it sounded less German. The Germans were the Russian's enemies during WWI.

that was all i could come up with. sorry!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

more pictures!!!!!!


and this is one sad kitty.
:-( and one CUTE bunny!
i don't think i can think of an SOFOM today, i'll just do what i do when i cant think of anything else to do. BUH BYE!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

this is random but i'm just going to post pictures (veruca)

HELLO WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (or at least the small portion of the world that looks at our blog)

i don't know what else to do so i'm going to post pics.
and once again- the photos all turn up exactly where i don't want them.>;-p ok so let me tell you a little somethin somethin. BEETHOVEN AND CHICK adorable! LITTLE DOGGIE IN THE CHAIR perfect! ZEBRAS if you look really closely, it's the zebras shadows that your looking at. LOVE STRUCK HAMSTERS!!!!!!!
the end

Monday, August 31, 2009

guess what?

seriously, it is international blog day, and if you don't
believe me, you can look it up! :-P

Sunday, August 23, 2009


again, soooooo sorry i haven't blogged in a while...... :-( but i just got back from Florida and seeing my grandparents, so i've been super busy. i don't have a SOFOM, but i do have cool information! violet and i are going to start doing school (we homeschool) together on tuesdays and fridays! i know! i can't wait! and wait a second...... violet hasn't blogged in a while so.... WHAT'S UP VIOLET? WHY AREN'T YOU BLOGGING? ok i'm good. but seriously, violet, please blog. :-)

i'm going to add a picture just for the fun of it: oh man! darn. the pic always comes out in the place i don't want it.... shoot. well, anyway.... i meant to add this photo in the blog i did before, about demi lovato. ok, from left to right: me, veruca, my friend sassy, and (who else?) DEMI LOVATO! she's wearing heels but i did the math that she is in fact one inch taller than i am. :-) i'm not doing this to brag or gloat that i met demi, but i didn't really meet her. just took my picture with her. that's it.
i just found out from a friend who went to vietnam, that in vietnamese computer talk this ^^ means happy! there's a good SOFOM!

Saturday, August 15, 2009


hey peeps! it's veruca and i'm soooo super sorry that i haven't written in a while. i've been so busy! well i have finally found a good SOFOM that goes along with what i did a few days ago........ i went to the demi lovato concert last wednesday and i got to meet her! she's only like five foot two-- that's one inch taller that me! she looks so much taller on TV. :-)

hope you like your SOFOM!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A SOFOM from Ms. SnakeFace

Sorry to invade your blog one more time, but I thought I would share this really cool video. It is sort of an extended "SOFOM". Have you ever wondered about the weird word graphics that you have to type in on some websites? Well, they are called "CAPTCHAS" and I learned so much about them and their inventor from this short video. Plus, I learned that they not only create security; they also serve an important archiving purpose. Veruca and Violet, I think you will really like this!

IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ok i think i found out how to post a picture..... of course that's what i have said the last 99 times i've tried... well give it up for 100:

did it work? if you can tell what it is then: HAVE AN AWESOME REST OF THE SUMMER!!!!!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009


hey everyone! it's veruca and i just got back from camp! it was really fun! i am going to send a special shout out to the only follower of this blog!! HEY BEAN!! HOW ARE YOU?? I MISS YOU!! PLEASE POST A COMMENT!!!!!!


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Yay!!!!! it worked! now i just have to figure out how Miss Snake Face did it. hmmmm. mystery of the year. this is Violet back from Ohio. something that every body already knows, the air near a lighting strike is five times hotter than the sun. i think this is kind of cool. bye! 


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hi Veruca and Violet,

It is Miss SnakeFace and I am invading your blog momentarily to see if I can help solve this picture problem. I am attempting to upload a picture from my computer (which is what I assume you are trying to do?) Let's see if this works....

BTW - can you guess how I am jumping so high?


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

hey from ohio!!! be back at the end of the week 


Friday, July 17, 2009

hey everyone!!!!!! i finally figured out a new SOFOM!!!!! YAY ME, VERUCA!!!!!!!! ok so here it is:

the "Peter Rabbit" books by Beatrix Potter were published by the publishing company Warne. and guess what? so was Peter Pan!!!
and now here i am again trying to think of a new SOFOM..... and if you are reading this, please post a comment telling me what a cool Super Odd Fact Of the Moment!!!!! and if you DO post a comment and i know who you are and what your emial is, then i will send you a cool converse design, and ecard or just a fun emial!!!!! so POST POST POST a comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

hey people who are reading this! (and if you are, then pleeeeeeeease send comments!)

it's veruca here, again trying to think of a new SOFOM...............................
i cant' think so here's a joke:

two men are working on a house. one is at the bottom holding the ladder and the other is on top of the house, hammering. suddenly, the man at the bottom holding the ladder, drops it and it splits in half. "now look what you've done you idiot!" the man on top says "how am i gonna get down!??"
"i dunno..." the man at the bottom says.
after hours and hours and hours of thinking, it gets dark outside.
"HOLD IT!" the man at the bottom says, "i've got an idea."
"O.K. then doofus, what is it?" the man on the roof says.
the man on the bottom picks up the flashlight and says, "i'm going to shine the flashlight up to where you are and then you can walk down the lightbeam!"
"oh you think i'm so stupid don't you, "the man on top says, "you gonna turn it off when i get to the middle!"

the end.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

hmmm, what to say, what to say... hey every body! this Violet. veruca went on a camping trip, and won't be back until sometime around saturday. i think. anyway, did you know that gasoline has no odor? man actually added it so that we would know when we were around it. cool huh? and, Central Park, NYC was actually built. a man actually landscaped it. even though it looks like nature has been there, it's really just construction. snuffle snuffle cry tear, right? hey, here's something we haven't done: (the idea just struck me dead) and this goes for always, if you have a kewl fact that we probably don't know, put it on the feedback list thingy. it has some name that has slipped my mind. HA!!! i think it is called comments. maybe. ok i really don't know. 


Sunday, July 5, 2009

hear me, hear me! this is Violet. Happy Belated Fourth!!! in honor of that, i will talk about patriotic...stuff. like, did you know, that Thomas Edison DIDN'T invent the lightbulb? some of you might know this. he just improved it. and, have you heard of Bessemer's Process? it's the way to make steel. you make iron red hot, and blow on it until it is white hot. colors colors every where! well, it was supposed to be named after the man who figured that out. well, when Bessemer tried to get a patent on his idea, so that no one could 'steel' it, the man who had really invented got angry. he claimed to have invented it five years before that. if you want to know more, than... ... ... ... look it up! ;)

and to top off Veruca's joke (i got this one from MIke Teavee):

a bond walks into a barbershop. she is wearing some big older headphones and listening to something on her portable cd player. the barber looks at her head phones and tells her that if she wants her hair cut, she will have to take them off. she tells him over and over again, almost panicking that she CAN NOT take them off. finally, he rolls his eyes, and rips the headphones off of her head. he starts to cut her hair. but then, five minutes after, her head slumps to the side. he told her to pick her head back up. she didn't respond. he told her again, and he got no response. he looks at the blond and sees that she's dead. he picks up the headphones that are still playing and listens to them. he hears: "Breath in, breath out. breath in, breath out."


Saturday, July 4, 2009

hey there! it's veruca with another SOFOM!

the world's largest milkshake was 6,00 gallons-- enough to fill more that 100 bathtubs!!!
wedding gowns have been made out of toilet paper!
a 5,00 year old piece of chewing gum was discovered in finland.
the world's tallest woman is over 7 feet 6 inches tall!!
a dog can make about 100 different facial expressions.
hope you liked your Super Odd Fact Of the Moment! now i g2g... see ya!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

hello peoples of the world! (if there are people plural reading this) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if you are reading this you HAVE TO POST COMMENTS!!!!!!

so here is an SOFOM.
in the guinness book of world records, the longest living dog on record. He is an Irish wolfhound and he is 7 1/2 feet long from the tip of his nose the the end of his tale!!!! his name is Mon Ami which means my friend in french.

here are some more cool SOFOMs.
the minute hand on London's Big Ben clock travels about 118 miles a year!
the largest pizza in the world 122 feet and 8 in. across and weghed 26,883 pounds!!!!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


hey everyone! it's veruca and i'm still trying to think of an SOFOM........... this is kinda random but i

just saw violet at dance today and it was sooo fun!
anyway, back to an SOFOM....
did you know that a guy in San Francisco used 10,000 toothpicks to build a four foot long remote 
control boat? 
and it would take a snail 220 hours to crawl one mile.... nonstop.
well g2g now!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

veruca with another blonde joke

hey everyone!

here's another blonde joke:

three women are standing in front of a magic mirror that sucks you in if you tell a lie. the blackie walks up to it and says: 'i think i'm the most beautiful girl in the world." and since she told a lie, she gets sucked in. then the redhead goes up to the mirror and says: i think I am the most beautiful girl in the world." and she gets sucked in.
then the blondie goes up to the mirror and says: "i think-" and she gets sucked in.


Saturday, June 27, 2009


ok so me, violet, marilyn monroe gone blue, orange juice and charlie are all here. so i'm gonna think of a fun SOFOM...... i'm thinkin'..... i'm thinkin'.......... here is a blonde joke:

a redhead, blackie, and i blonde are all stranded on an island. they need to swim up to the mainland which is two miles away. the blackie swims halfway, gets tired and drowns.  the redhead then tries to swim but just like little miss blackie, she drowns. so the blonde is the last one on the island. she starts swimming and when she gets halfway she says: 'i'm tired'. so she swims back to the island.

sorry i couldnt' think of an SOFOM so i just toled a blonde joke. see ya!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

sorry, i just have to gloat. (veruca)

HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!! I WAS THE FIRST TO PUT A PICTURE ON THE BLOG! HA HA IN YOUR FACE VIOLET! sorry about that. that was just my character getting a hold of me......... but to be fair, i will tell you how to do it. jsut find a picture you want to put up, then copy and past it on. very simple. :-)


Food Glorious Food! (veruca)

hello! it's veruca here and i'm going to give you nice big heaping plate of food related SOFOMs!

ok have you ever been asleep and you smelled that slice of pie you've been wanting for the past few days? well, the first thing i'm gonna say is 'SNAP OUT OF IT' cuz you'll get the pie later. the next thing i'm gonna say is 'IT IS POSSIBLE TO SMELL SCENTS IN YOUR DREAMS!'

did you know that writers once used bread crumbs instead of erasers of correct their mistakes?

the most expensive dessert is $25,000! it's called the Frrrozen Haute Chocolate (haute means high class) and it is a slushy mix of the worlds most expensive cocoas, milk, and guess what
else.... EDIBLE GOLD!!!!! and the spoon to eat the rich dessert is made of 18-carat gold and studded with white black and chocolate colord diamonds!!!

well i hope you've loved these food SOFOMs! see ya!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


yo peeps! (and by the way, great SOFOMs violet) this is a crazy SOFOM about this guy named Alistair Galpin. he holds the guinness world record for...... can you guess? THE MOST SNAILS ON HIS FACE! can you believe it? snails on his face!! his record is 10 snails! well that's your newest SOFOM! see ya!


Friday, June 19, 2009

Princess Mania

hey all!! this is finally Violet. i just wanted to post the SOFOM (plural) of the day. did you know that Marie Antoinette used to sit for hours while her hair was being done and powdered? yup. and then, she had to sleep with a block as a pillow so that her hair would be preserved for the next day. did you know that just before the Rmanov family was murdered, the girls (from oldest to youngest: Olga, Tatiana, Marie, and Anastasia) had started to sew jewels into their corsets to save money? when the family was killed, most of the bullets just bounced off of the girls. this puzzled the soldiers. how could they guess they were shooting at stones??? also, princess Jahanara, PRincess of Princesses, had two brothers that were kidnapped by an enemy. and, Elizabeth the first's half sister was horrible to her. she actually said that her mother was a witch, and that they didn't burry her in a coffin, just a chest. she also said that the chest was too small for her, which didn't matter, because her head was cut off, so they could just put it in on top of her stomach. eew... but cool!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


nope. sorry violet, the picture thing didn't work! :-( this is an awesome SOFOM: ok, so in the 1971 movie, "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" the two girls playing Veruca Salt (Julie Dawn Cole) and the girl playing Violet Beauregard (Denise Nickerson) were like, best friends, but they had to act like they hated each other. (sound familiar??) But, and this is the funny part, they both had a crush on the guy playing Charlie Bucket (Peter Ostrum)!!! (that is NOT to be taken seriously because it is a girl playing Charlie in the play we are doing) well, i hope you liked your SOFOM!

Monday, June 8, 2009

i'm loving the new sign in pics!!! hey, this might not work, but if it does, the first one's me, Violet, and the next one's Veruca. if not, hey, that's what this blog is for right??? RIGHT??? file:///var/folders/v-/v-5PxpcS2RWXbE+8ZQWG4++++TI/-Tmp-/



Loved your newest SOFOM Violet! Here's another cool one about a cat: The smallest cat in the world is only about the size of a Dr. Pepper can!! Her name is Itse Bitse and she likes to sleep in a dollhouse made especially for her! She is only 4 inches tall and 15 inches long! 

I'd like to send a shout out to my little sister. She's turning 6 today!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! :-) 

Sunday, June 7, 2009


hey guys!!! this is violet. todays odd fact is kinda long, but super cool!. so, some of you might know that Ben Franklin worked for his printer brother for a while. well, the brother wasn't nice at all. while working there, Franklin wrote into his brother's paper. he posted his own column. he put in little snippets of interesting facts, and signed them 'Silence Dogood'. yes, he posed as a girl. well, his column was a HIT. people loved it. they wrote to 'her' asking all kinds of questions, and Silence answered them. needless to say, Franklin didn't tell his brother that he was really Silence, his brother was totally clueless. but then, when 'Silence' was making the column so much money, Franklin decided to let the secret out. he told every body who he was. when his brother found out, he shut down the column!!! his brother really didn't like him. 

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Another Cool SOFOM!! (super odd fact of the moment)

Hey guys!!!! It's Veruca :-)!!  here is another crazy SOFOM! (Super Odd Fact of the Moment)  Did you know that there is a cat named Yoda who (and this is truly crazy) has FOUR EARS!!!?????  and actually, the extra two ears are just flaps of skin that stick up like points. He can't really hear out of them. :-) Got to go! i hope you liked your SOFOM!!!


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Love it!

Hey peeps! this is Veruca here saying 'I LOVE THIS NEW BLOG!' Ok, here is a totally random fact! in the painting "American Gothic", (you know, the one with the lady and the man standing in front of a barn and the man is holding a pitchfork.) most people think that the man and woman are married, but think again! The woman is actually the painter's sister and the man is the painter's dentist! Kinda wierd huh? Well that is your Super Odd Fact Of the Moment! (from now on i will be calling them SOFOMs)
Send us comments!