Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The POSTING SONG!! (veruca)

okay, in my spare time, i decided to write a song. about posting comments.

the posting song- by veruca

once upon a time
there was an awesome blog by
veruca and violet
it was totally awesome
but the sad thing was
no one would post comments
and it made them cry......
oh oh oh....

so veruca asked them pleeease
but they pretended to sneeeze
and never
one single

and then one day
veruca had an idea
she began a song
that would make them seeee(a)
it was about
posting awesome comments
and she hoped
that would

and that's all that i got.
the song doesn't have an ending... that's your job.
if you post comments, i will mention the FIRST PERSON to post a comment will be mentioned IN THE END OF THE POSTING SONG!!
but chances are, you will NEVER post a comment, and i will end the song with something about how mean the world is.
post postpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpost

Monday, December 7, 2009

??? HELLO IS ANYONE HOME ??? (veruca)

I get the feeling sometimes that this blog is a small little part of the internet world. No one is posting comments... AT ALL. (ok, there may be two comment posters by the name of Sarah Beth and Savannah, but even they have not posted to my heart's content.)

But now i have ANOTHER thing i neeeeeed you blog-goers to do for me.
(you're probably thinking that i'm a crazy psychopath blogger who wishes to control you mind and possibly criticize you about not posting comments to death, but i assure you... i'm not. i'm just bored
and i love contests.)

I, being me, want you to
b. POST COMMENTS (duh x 2)
c. Create a Character (one that you made up) and POST A COMMENT about this character of yours. give us stuff like what they look like, their personality, their hobbies, and what color socks they like to wear on rainy thursdays. =)
i will mention the people who REALLY DO POST COMMENTS on the next posting i do.

And i promise you, if you actually DO post comments, i will NOT BUG YOU ABOUT
IT ANY MORE!!!!!!!
you should set up a system.
as soon as you get on the computer to check your emails or whatever, go the
to start you day!
post a quick comment, then go back to whatever it was that you were doing.
do that every day, and i WILL PESTER YOU NO LONGER.

thank you peoples so much!
(i only thank the peoples who post comments thoough)


Thursday, December 3, 2009

POst PLEEEEEEEEEASE...... (veruca)

hey homies.

here's a challenge for you (and you have to do it before december is over):
1. post a comment.. but it has to be a poem about something really cool that you love. like maybe this blog?
2. post a comment with a cool book idea
3. post a comment that is all about the most random thing you can think about!!!!
whoever has the coolest stuff wins!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

FAN OF THE MONTH!! (november)

sorry, guys. i'm a little late, but violet and i have finally figured out the fan of the month!!!!!

CONGRATULATIONS SAVANNAH!! YOU HAVE WON FAN OF THE MONTH FOR NOVEMBER!!!!!!! :-D this kitty will forever on be known as The Savannah Kitty!!!! Yayayayayayayayay!!

now, everyone else must post post post post post to win fan of the month for DECEMBER!!!! go post a comment now!! and then do it the next day. then the day after that. and so on. :-) gogogogogogo post comments!!!!
thank you, and congrats to savannah,