Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Love it!

Hey peeps! this is Veruca here saying 'I LOVE THIS NEW BLOG!' Ok, here is a totally random fact! in the painting "American Gothic", (you know, the one with the lady and the man standing in front of a barn and the man is holding a pitchfork.) most people think that the man and woman are married, but think again! The woman is actually the painter's sister and the man is the painter's dentist! Kinda wierd huh? Well that is your Super Odd Fact Of the Moment! (from now on i will be calling them SOFOMs)
Send us comments!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


hey everybody! this is violet, and this is a new blog that  veruca and i created to show you things that would be totally out of place in one of our other blogs. like, what would 'hey every body, happy memorial day!' sound like on our Ring Story blog??? here, we can talk about anything that interests us. like, did you know that there is an actual shirt that you can hug and then it sends the hug through your phone and gives someone else with a shirt like that the hug? and, kangaroos never hop backwards. yes, pretty much just random stuff that we feel like letting other people know. 

Have Fun!!!