Friday, October 23, 2009

Hello, World. I"m not Dead (violet)

Hey everyone! this is violet. sorry for not writing in a while, but i have had a SUPER busy month. i am currently in two plays, piano, dance, and not to mention everyone else's soccer and dance and football. but, i am finally writing now. first of all, congrats to Sarah Beth! cute kitty! here's a super cool fact: the phrase 'break a leg' came from years and years ago when there were wooden 'legs' on the end of the curtains on a stage. if you got enough encores, the leg would break, signaling that the people REALLY liked your show. å˜∂ †˙ˆß ç®åΩ¥ çø∂´ †¥π´ †˙ˆ˜© çøµ´ß ƒ®øµ ∑˙´˜ ¥ø¨ π®´ßß †˙´ æ嬆æ ˚´¥ ø˜ ¥ø¨® ˚´¥∫øå®∂ å˜∂ †¥π´ †˙´ ¬´††´®ß⁄⁄ that meant: and this is what happens when you press the alt key on your keyboard and then type the letters! isn't that cool? me and veruca just figured that out. well, that's all for now, ('now' probably being a very long time). bye!!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

post post post

yo it's veruca!

i was just checking the post and so far i only have 5! you neeeeeed to keep posting people! post post post!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

shoutout!! (veruca)

ok everyone! i would like to send a shoutout to THE ONLY PERSON WHO HAS BEEN POSTING COMMENTS! her name is sarah beth..... so HI! sarah beth, says that she comes to look at our blog every time she gets on the computer! so guess what? SHE IS NOW OFFICIALLY AWARDED AS THE FAN OF THE MONTH!! yay! go sarah beth! and sarah beth, if you are reading this, then you are FAMOUS. well, at least to the people reading this blog you are. but it's better than not being famous at all!!! and here is a picture in your honor:

this is now officially known as the SARAH BETH KITTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this will have to become a tradition....... every month, we will award someone who either violet or i deem worthy for fan of the month! to win this special award, you must show how much you love this blog by either:
a) posting awesome comments
b) posting awesome comments
c) posting awesome comments
d) doing a funny dance and have some proof that you did that violet or i can see!
so what are you doing? get on it! post post post post post post post post post post post!!!!!!
do you think it should be fan of the month or fan of the week? or BOTH?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


ok, i jsut emailed violet to get her to write a post. hopefully she will ASAP! here's a cool pic.....yyayayayaya! they are finally coming out just where i want them! that is one cute doggie!


Saturday, October 3, 2009

it's me again.......

hey. it's me again (veruca) and i DON'T KNOW WHY VIOLET ISN'T BLOGGING!!!!!!!!!!!!! she's gonna have a bone to pick with me if she doesn't (at least) post a "hello world, i'm not dead" Super Odd Fact Of the Moment. Here's a SOFOM --- during World War 1 the russians changed the name of St. Petersburg, their capitol, to Petrograd because it sounded less German. The Germans were the Russian's enemies during WWI.

that was all i could come up with. sorry!